The rain just keeps coming and coming.  So far, we have had the wettest June in recorded history, and the 2nd wettest July.  We are desperately trying to do summer things every chance the sun pokes it head out from behind the clouds even if it is just for a moment.

Alaskans cherish their summer like no people I have ever met, because there is so little of it.  We need the summer to stock up our vitamin D and to get outside and see that the world is still alive,  and that we are still alive.

I was hoping that August would be nice and sunny and warm, but alas, it looks like it is not to be.  It’s raining now as I type and should continue for the next few days.  Sunday and Monday were nice, but our church camp-out was canceled on Friday because of rain, and Logan played his first football game in the POURING rain on Saturday.

I dread winter coming this year.  The thought of it makes me want to curl in the fetal position and hibernate until next spring like the bears. The fall chill will be in the breeze in the next couple of weeks and the leaves will be changing and falling from the trees before the end of the month.  Noooooo, I’m not ready yet.

Because of all the rain we have had, we are starting to get toadstools/mushrooms popping up all over the yard.  I have never seen anything like them before.  They are surprisingly tall at around 10 inches.  Now, we are just waiting for the Smurfs to arrive.

Storm Clouds in Alaska

Rain in Alaska

Rainbow in Alaska






Alaska Mushroom

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